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Jean-Pierre LaFollette - Paw Print - Backpack

Jean-Pierre LaFollette - Paw Print - Backpack

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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too. If you're all about being dog friendly and making a style statement this winter, this hoodie has all the box-checked! With its jazzy colored ink blot pitbull hide behind a cut out of a paw design and a Red Ask JTDT logo on the front, it's sure to draw looks and stares your way! Whether you're out for a walk with your pup or curling up on the couch for some Netflix, this hoodie is perfect for those appeasable occasions. #dogfriendly #dogstyle #doglife #pawdesign #jazzydoglife #winterdoggystyle #perfectdogmoment #dogfashion #dogstoriesandadventures #designerdogwear #dogsareawesome and #appeasablepooch P.s. Keep cozy and chic this winter while showing your pup-lovin', fashion forward style with this hoodie! 😎
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